Learning English Arabic classes
learning English Arabic classes online. As you see, Learning a new language can only be beneficial when it helps you express yourself in different life situations. English to Arabic Learning is a series devoted to helping non-Arabs who are interested in learning Arabic to use it to express themselves in everyday situations.

So, this time we will learn how to communicate at a restaurant using Arabic:
Transliteration | Arabic | English |
An-Nadal: Hal Astatee’ An Osaa’idoki?
Nora: Oreedo Menddadah Lithalathatu Afraad Min Fadlak. |
النادل: هل أستطيع أن أساعدك؟
نورا: أريد منضدة لثلاثة أفراد من فضلك. |
Firstly, the Waiter: Can I help you?
Secondly, Nora: A table for three, please. |
An-Nadil: Hal Anti Gahizatun litalab Al-Ta’aam?
Nora: Na’am, Sawfa Natanawl al-Khodrawat Wa Al-Orz Ma’ al-Dajaj, Min Fadlak. |
النادل: هل أنتِ جاهزة لطلب الطعام؟
نورا: نعم. سوف نتناول الخضروات و الأرز مع الدجاج من فضلك. |
Thirdly, Waiter: Are you ready to order?
Then, Nora: Yes, we’ll have vegetable and chicken with rice, please. |
– Hal Tawadeena Ay Mashroob?
– Faqat Ba’dd al-Maa, Min Fadlak. |
هل تودين أى مشروب؟
فقط بعض الماء من فضلك. |
Then,- Would you like any drink?
After that,- Just some water, please |
– Hal Tawadeena Ay Tahlyah?
– Na’am, Sawfa Natanawl Ba’d al-Mothalajat. |
– هل تودين أي تحلية؟
– نعم. سوف أتناول بعض المثلجات. |
Then,- Would you like any dessert?
Then, Yes, I’ll take some ice-cream.- |
– Sawfa National Ba’d Ash-Shay Min Fadlak.
Wa Ba’d A’seer al-Bortoqal Min Fadlak. – |
– سوف أتناول بعض الشاي من فضلك.
– وبعض عصير البرتقال من أجلي ، من فضلك. |
After that, I’ll have some tea, please-
then, – And some orange juice for me, please. |
Now we move to another scene which may happen before the previous conversation; which is the reservation scene and the most common questions and answers used in such conversation.
Then Making a Reservation

Transliteration | Arabic | English |
Ali: Awadu An Ahjiza li-thalathatu Ashkhas Masaa al-Khamees. | علي: أود أن أحجز لثلاثة أشخاص مساء الخميس. | Firstly, Ali: I’d like to make a reservation for three people on Thursday night. |
An-Nadil: Fi Ay Waqtin Tashaa?
Ali: At-Tasi’ah. |
النادل: في أي وقت تشاء؟
علي: التاسعة |
Secondly, Waiter: What time would you like?
Ali: 9.00 |
An-Nadil: Laysa Ladina Ay Makan Mutah Fi at-Tasi’ah. Hal athaminah wan-nisf Munasib? | النادل: ليس لدينا أي مكان مُتاح في التاسعة. هل الثامنة والنصف مناسب؟
علي: نعم، مناسب. |
thirdly, Waiter: We don’t have anything available at 9.00. Is 8:30 ok?
Ali: Yes, that’s fine. |
An-Nadil: Ismoka, Min Fadlik.
Ali: Ali Adam. An-Nadil: Hasanan Sayyed Ali, Naraka Fi Athaminah wan-nisf, Masaa al-Khamees. Ali: Shokran Lak. ila alliqaa. An-Nadil: ila alliqaa. |
النادل: أسمك ، من فضلك.
علي: علي آدم. النادل: حسنا سيد علي. نراك في الثامنة والنصف، مساء الخميس. علي: شكرا لك. إلى اللقاء. النادل: إلى اللقاء. |
After that, Waiter: Your name, please.
Then, Ali: Ali Adam. After that, Waiter: Ok, Mr. Ali. We’ll see you at 8:30 on Thursday. Then, Ali: Thank you. Bye. Finally, Waiter: Goddbye. |
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