Intensive Arabic Course Online

Intensive Arabic Course Online

Intensive Arabic Course Online

Intensive Arabic Course Online is important. Because, the Arabic language is considered one of the most ancient languages and the richest language ever so Allah has chosen it to be the language of the Quran and Arabic became famous, and its value has been raised and became the common language in the countries of Arabs and Muslims, and all of this clarifies the power of the Arabic language, the originality of its terms and the abundance of its meanings. So the importance of this language makes people seek to study, learn and identify its terms, meaning, structure and everything about it. Also, it helps in activating the role of Arabic in facing the challenges.

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The Value of Education according to Islamic education course method

Arabic being spread between non-Arab Muslims helps them understanding their religion as it is the source of the Holy Quran and the Prophetic tradition. Due to the increase of the numbers of the non- natives of Arabs who turned into Islam, a website called ” learn Arabic for the non-natives” has been emerged to learn Arabic online from their home. Teaching Arabic to the non-natives would be in Classical Arabic because slang language would not meet the need of the foreigners in learning different sides of life. So, the teachers make sure to teach the non-natives many levels to master the language;

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Teaching the voices in Intensive Arabic Course Online

Arabic teacher starts with this level until the foreigner identifies the points of articulation because the learner finds difficulty in pronouncing some of the voices as it is not found in his [origin language] hence the teacher starts to focus on these slight differences until the student gain this skill, so he has to give him some words that contain similar voices and to show the meaning through images and clear pictures to the student.

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-Teaching speech in Intensive Arabic Course

Here the teacher moves to another and different level as he starts to train the student on some of the simple expressions and then to change the verse into question and let the student answer. To teach this kind of learning to the student we have to show some real things or particular images and compose a phrase containing a demonstrative noun plus this thing in the picture and the students repeat after him.

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-Teaching the rules of the language in Intensive Arabic Course Online :

We care about grammar and rues according to the level of the students. So, he teaches here the rule then comes practicing on it. The student learns the simpler way of the grammarian structures and starts repeating it several times. Then replace it with any other word which has the same job in the phrase and there comes the practice of converting. The student is practicing to convert the affirmative phrase to the negative and the predicate to interrogative.

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-Teaching terms in[Intensive Arabic Course] :

The teacher teaches his students new terms within its place in the phrase as there no avail of getting only words without context. This to understand its meaning and be able to express anything correctly and to be also able to explain the terms. By the way of translation, demonstration or using pictures and images.

-Teaching listening in[Intensive Arabic Course] :

The teacher starts showing a group of words and phrases to the student through listening. ADDITIONAL he can introduce these phrases in the shape of instructions and makes the students listen to simple stories according to the students’ ability.

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-Teaching reading in[Intensive Arabic Course] 

Students got to learn the letters according to the alphabet order. Also, the teacher uses displayed images on cards and the name beneath it and pronounce the name. Then, the students shall repeat collectively. Additionally, they should link the letters with their voices. Then the teacher shall hide the photos and the students read it without the photos.

-Teaching writing in Intensive Arabic Course :

This level aims to enable the students from drawing the Arabic letters correctly. Also, writing what they understand from texts and expressing their thoughts and ideas.

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-Teaching way in Intensive Arabic Course:

Teachers write the words and some short phrases on the board. So, the students write it in their notebooks. Then, the teacher asks them to complete the spaces and rearrange words. These kinds of questions to make sure that the students are fully comprehending