English Arabic learning 3 :
Learning Arabic for non-Arabs who speak English. Also, we deal with Arabs can be an easy task with the many online courses which present very professional work also. So learners can choose the best course which is suitable for their specific need for learning Arabic. Also, In English to Arabic Learning series, firstly, we deal with different life situations in which non-Arabs need to use Arabic. In this article, we present a real-life situation in which a traveller may have a few conversations with the hotel receptionist when arriving at a hotel also.

Firstly Arriving at a hotel
Transliteration | Arabic | English |
Amy: Oreed ghurfa min fadlak. | إيمي: أريد غرفة من فضلك. | firstly, Amy: I’d like a room, please. |
Muazaf al-Istiqbal: Hal ladaiki hagz? | موظف الإستقبال: هل لديك حجز؟ | then, HR: Do you have a reservation? |
Amy: La, Laisa ladi | إيمي: لا. ليس لدي. | then, Amy: No, I don’t |
Kam layla tureedi? | كم ليلة تريدي؟ | then, HR: How many nights? |
Amy: Thalath layali min fadlik. | إيمي: ثلاث ليالي من فضلك. | then, Amy: Three nights, please. |
Kam A’dad al-ashkhas. | كم عدد الأشخاص؟ | then, HR: How many people? |
Amy: Shakhsayn. | إيمي: شخصين | then, Amy: For two people. |
Hal trudeena iftar? | هل تريدين إفطار؟ | then, HR: Do you want breakfast? |
Amy: Na’m min fadlak. | إيمي: نعم من فضلك. | then, Amy: Yes, please. |
Al-iftar yabda’ kol sabah min al-sadisah sabahan wa hata al-a’ashira fi ghorfat at-ta’am.
Amy: Hassanan.
إلأفطار يبدأ كل صباح من السادسة صباحا وحتى العاشرة في غرفة الطعام.
إيمي: حسنا |
after that, HR: Breakfast is from 6 to 10 each morning in the dining room.
then, Amy: OK |
Al-hisab hwa tholthoma’at dolar. Hal toreedi an tadfa’y alaan am enda al-moghadarah?
الحساب هو ثلاثمئة دولار. هل تريدي ان تدفعي الآن أم عند المغادرة؟ | then, HR: Ok. That will be 300$. Do you want to pay now also, or when you check out? |
Amy: Sawfa adfa’o alaan.
– Hal yomkin an tamla’i hazihi al-istimarah min fadlik? – Shukran. Tafadali al-wasl wa al-moftah. Anti fi al-ghorfah raqm me’atyn.. fi at-tabiq at-that.
إمي: سوف أدفع الآن.
– هل يمكن أن تملأي هذه الإستمارة من فضلك؟ – شكرا. تفضلي الوصل و المفتاح. أنت في الغرفة رقم 200، فى الطابق الثالث.
then, Amy: I’ll pay now.
then, HR: Can you fill in this form, please? finally, HR: Thank you. Here are your receipt and your key also. You are in room 200, on the third floor.
Finally Leaving the hotel:
also, see the table:
Transliteration | Arabic | English |
John: Oreed al-moghadarah, min fadlik. | جون: أريد المغادرة من مفضلك. | first, John: I’d like to check out, please. |
Muazaf al-istiqbal: Ma hwa raqam al-ghorfah | – موظف الإستقبال: ما هو رقم الغرفة؟ | then, HR: What room number? |
John: Khamsa wa e’shroon | – جون: 25 | then, John: 25 |
Zalika tholthoma’a wa e’shroon dolar- | – ذلك 320 دولار | then, HR: That’s 320 $ |
John: Hasanan. Tafadal. | جون: حسنا. تفضل. | then, John: Ok, here you are. |
– Shukran. Waqe’ hona min fadlik. Natamna laka rehla gayedah.
John: Shukran- |
– شكرا. وقع هنا من فضلك. نتمنى لك رحلة جيدة
– جون: شكرا. |
after that, HR: Thank you, sign here, please. We wish you a good journey.
finally, John: Thank you. |
Then English to Arabic Learning 3 also
Description [also below]:
Learning Arabic for [non-Arabs]. Then, who speak English and deal with Arabs can be an easy task with the many online courses which present very professional work. As a result, Learners can choose the best course which is suitable for their specific need for learning Arabic also.
Additionally, In English to Arabic Learning series, so we deal with different life situations in which non-Arabs need to use Arabic. In this article, we present a real-life situation in which a traveller may have a few conversations with the hotel receptionist when arriving at a hotel too.
also, visit [www.alazhararabiconline.com]
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