Arabic Pronouns

In Arabic Pronouns, Subject Pronoun Is More Specific Than Other Languages

There are two types of pronouns in Arabic dictionary, one is Attach Pronoun, and the other is Detach Pronoun. Usually, pronouns take the place of a noun and function as a subject of the sentence. So Arabic Pronouns are also divided into two parts- The subject pronoun and the object pronoun.

The Subject Pronoun:

Arabic language Pronouns
Arabic Pronouns

In Arabic, the subject pronoun is frequently dropped, and from a verb conjugation, you have to choose the subject of the sentence. But in the verb omit sentence the subject pronoun need. If anyone wants to address ‘you,’ it depends on who you are addressing it to. If want to re-addressing more than two people, then the different form should use as well. Besides this most of the subject pronouns have a feminine and masculine style.

Characteristic of subject pronoun:

    Arabic has a dual form, that means that Arabic is more fixed about not only the gender but the number also. Then the double form using to point to two people. To make the pronunciation easy and smooth, some subject pronouns take an extra vowel at the end they follow from the other. Sometimes we add an ‘n’ to the indefinite article ‘a’ to some words ‘an umbrella’ instead of ‘an umbrella.’ Like that in Arabic, we add ‘u’ or ‘a’ too many words to make3 them harmony with other words following them.

The object pronoun:

Arabic language Pronouns
Arabic Pronouns

The object pronoun applies when the learners do something directly to someone. Predicate pronouns in Arabic are me, you, him, her, we and those come after a verb. In Arabic they write like ‘you show me,’ that means the subject pronoun; the verb and the object pronoun all are connecting.

There are determinative possessive pronouns which are very similar to object pronoun in the Arabic language — the only difference they end a noun instead of a verb.


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