Arabic classes for beginners

The Arabic language is the most spoken Semitic language, and one of the most widely spoken languages in the world, spoken by more than 467 million people, and its speakers are distributed in the Arab world, and thus it occupies the fourth or fifth place in terms of the most widely spoken languages in the world, and it occupies the third place according to the number of countries which it recognizes as an official language; It is recognized by 27 countries as an official language and the fourth language in terms of the number of users on the Internet.
The Arabic language is the language that God Almighty chose to establish the argument against the infidels from Quraysh.

Due to the beauty of the Arabic language, its importance, and its position among languages, it has been noticed that many non-native speakers are eager to learn it, either scientifically; This is their desire to expand their knowledge and culture, and their desire to learn a new language, or for religious purposes; This is due to their entry into Islam and their need to learn Arabic to perform their acts of worship and duties in the right way, one of the ways foreigners.

To learn the Arabic language, you must be careful to teach several levels.

First: teaching the sounds
The Arabic language teacher here started at this level so that the foreigner would get acquainted with the exits of the letters. We note that the phonetic units in the Arabic language cover the entire space. The researchers believe that the language Arabic has the greatest number of fricative syllables compared to other languages, so the teacher begins with this level because the foreign learner finds it difficult to pronounce some sounds, given that they do not exist in his mother tongue, such as the vesicular and guttural sounds, which are difficult for them to pronounce easily, and replace them with other sounds. The teacher introduces some words that contain the image of binaries by finding two words that are similar in all sounds except for the sound that is the source of difficulty and teaches him the difference between these letters in these words.

Second: teaching speech
Here the teacher moves to another and somewhat different level, so he begins by training the students on some simple expressions and then transforms the phrase into a question that the learner answers with a yes or no, then the teacher changes the method. We used to teach at this level something really, or pictures specific, and we form sentences that express these pictures.

Third: Teaching grammar
Here, grammar and grammar are taught, so that either theoretical grammar or functional grammar is followed by teaching the grammar and training on it. Among the basic activities for teaching grammar are:
Substitution training: It is the simplest form of training on grammatical structures. Here, the student starts by repeating the sentence several times, then replaces one of the words with another word that has the same function within the sentence.
Conversion training: the learner is trained here to convert the affirmative sentence into a negative sentence, convert declarative phrases into interrogatives, the singular into a dual, and so on.
Sentences to expanded training: Here, the teacher adds adjectives, adverbs, or any other words to sentences, and trains the students to connect these sentences.

Fourth: Teaching vocabulary
A set of important criteria are taught here, and the most important criterion is the criterion of prevalence, which means the frequency of one word in use, and it means the frequency of one word in use, need for the word in specific situations, and the breadth of the word, such as the word: seat is wider than a chair or sofa. And the vocabulary is presented within the natural context, so there is no benefit in obtaining the words abstractly and isolated from the texts, so that he understands their meanings and can express something correctly, we can also explain the vocabulary in the way of translation, or referring to the thing, or using graphics and pictures.

Fifth: Teaching listening
The teacher here is interested in teaching the learner words and sentences by listening, such as when the learner hears stories or sentences and is applied, such as when the teacher tells the learner to take the book from the table, and a lot of these sentences to practice listening.

Sixth: Teaching reading
Here the letters are taught according to their alphabetical order but most teachers prefer to present them without regard to their ranking, instead considering their ability to produce the words that the student needs to form words and phrases. In the name of the thing, and the learner repeats behind it, and the training takes place after linking the letters with their sounds separately, thus the teacher hides the pictures or erases them, and presents them alternately to the learners, and the learners read them isolated from the photo.

Seventh: Teaching writing
Here the learner can draw the Arabic letters correctly or write down what he understands from reading scripts and express his thoughts.
The student should practice the previous method and also learn to draw the letter in all its forms, such as the letter at the beginning, middle, and end of the word, letters that agree on the communication, and those that do not agree on the connection.
The teacher presents the letter without particular order but according to its presence in the word.

Here are some tips for effective learning of the Arabic language:
permanent practice.
Exercise patience and perseverance.
Teaching Arabic using online videos.
Speak regularly with native speakers.
Listen to Arabic music and movies.
Basic reading and indoctrination:
Learn to read:
This section explains how to start reading and practice continuous reading.

Indoctrination is an effective method for learning the Arabic language and reading the Qur’an. We will learn how to read by rote in this section.

Basic writing and application:
Training exercises:
This section includes basic practice exercises to improve writing and spelling skills.

Practical applications
This section includes practical applications to practice writing and oral expression of ideas.

In conclusion, we hope that the Arabic language reaches the east and west of the earth. Every Arab is obligated to present this language and teach it in various ways to whoever wants to learn it.